PSPS Planning Resources

Understanding PSPS in your area
This Wildfire Safety Progress Map can help you understand where potential PSPS outages may occur.
View the map to see locations of past PSPS outages and learn where a PSPS is more likely to happen.
How to use the Wildfire Safety Progress Map
Browse the map or enter your address, county, city or tribe* in the map search box to see:
- If the selected location is more likely to experience a PSPS outage
- The number of past PSPS outages over the last two years at the selected location
- PG&E wildfire safety improvements around your community and other areas PG&E serves
*PSPS information is available for incorporated cities or towns and for federally recognized tribes with land in trust.
Please note: the information on the map is not intended to determine the exact location of future PSPS outages. It is offered as a planning resource based on historical PSPS impact data and current system improvements.
When a PSPS outage is anticipated, PG&E will provide event-specific PSPS maps that customers can access at
Complete and planned wildfire safety improvements
This map displays complete and planned PG&E wildfire safety improvements, including:
- Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings (EPSS)
- Microgrids
- Permanent Battery Storage Rebate (PBSR)
- Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS)
- Sectionalizing Devices
- Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)
- Undergrounding/System Hardening (Upgrades)
Locations for all wildfire safety improvements shown are approximate. The status and location of planned work are subject to change. This data is regularly updated. Conditions affecting a potential PSPS can vary greatly. The presence of one or more wildfire safety improvements in an area may not prevent this area from experiencing an actual PSPS outage.
Learn more about our community wildfire safety improvement progress
View Wildfire safety webinars and events
Additional PSPS planning resources
Unzip or extract all content from the zip file into one destination folder on your computer.
Open geographic information system (GIS) file(s) using any GIS tool that supports KMZ and/or shapefiles, such as Google Earth Pro or ESRI ArcGIS.
Download Google Earth Pro for free
Get troubleshooting instructions
Downloadable PSPS planning maps
These planning maps show areas more likely to be affected by a PSPS. They are not intended to provide exact probabilities of future PSPS outages. They provide a general estimate of potential PSPS locations.
When a PSPS outage is anticipated, PG&E will provide event-specific PSPS maps that customers can access at